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Harnessing the Power of Data: Key Statistics Behind the Rise of Video Marketing and Automation

The integration of video marketing and automation into marketing strategies signifies more than just a nod to current trends; it's a transformative shift that enhances how companies engage with their audience and refine their operations. This approach not only revolutionizes interactions between brands and their diverse audiences but also introduces a new level of efficiency in marketing processes. As we pivot to examine the statistics, the numbers will reveal the undeniable impact and the broad spectrum of opportunities these technologies offer, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of their role in modern marketing. 

However, as I’ve previously discussed, ROI tends to be a simple concept that’s often confusing to measure and analyze. With so many metrics to track, senior living marketing teams often don’t know where to start. That’s why I wanted to provide seven different ROI metrics that will help your senior living community capture all of the benefits that video marketing can provide.


Marketing Automation: Streamlining for Success 

As marketing automation technology evolves, its impact on efficiency and strategic advantage becomes increasingly clear. Here are some key findings: 

  • Market Evolution: The marketing automation market is projected to reach $13.71 billion by 2030, signaling a significant shift towards automated efficiency. 
  • Widespread Adoption: With 76% of companies integrating automation, its role in enhancing marketing strategies is undeniable. In fact, 26% of companies currently not utilizing automation plan to adopt it. 
  • Email Marketing Adoption: Email Marketing is the most automated channel, with 63% of marketers name email as a channel they are currently automating 
  • Strategic Advantage: Marketers leveraging automation are 46% more likely to report having an effective marketing strategy.


Video Marketing: The Ultimate Engagement Tool 

Video marketing has proven itself as an indispensable tool in the digital age, captivating audiences and driving significant business growth. Let's explore the statistics that showcase its effectiveness: 

  • Video Usage: A vast majority of internet users engage with video content with 33% of all online activity is spent watching video content, underscoring its dominance in the digital content hierarchy.
  • Boost Conversion: By putting video on a landing page, you can boost the conversion rate of that page by up to 80%.
  • Social Media Impact: Posts on Social Media featuring video content garner double the engagement compared to those containing only images.
  • Business Transformation: Companies implementing video marketing experience 49% faster revenue growth rate compared to those that do not utilize video marketing.


Synergizing Personal Video and Email Automation for Enhanced Marketing Impact 

Integrating video marketing and email automation is becoming crucial for marketing teams, enhancing engagement and efficiency significantly. This necessary shift, backed by statistics, indicates that for businesses aiming to stay competitive and innovative, adopting these technologies is vital. 


As marketing evolves, using these tools for creating personalized, impactful campaigns will be key to connecting with audiences effectively and achieving better outcomes. To see how video and automation can work together in real time, schedule a demo for your team with OneDay.


Ready to see how video can work for you?