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How Successful Are Videos For Sales Growth and How Top Teams Use Them

Video has become a vital tool for sales, providing companies with a dynamic and engaging way to reach their target audience and close more deals. With the increasing popularity of video content and the rise of digital platforms, video provides businesses with a versatile and cost-effective way to showcase their products, demonstrate their benefits, and build strong relationships with potential customers. This blog will explore the statistics supporting the use of video for sales, the different types of videos that can be used, and why video should be a vital component of any sales strategy.


The Stats Show Why Video is a

Pivotal Sales Tool

Video has become an increasingly important tool in sales and customer engagement as companies look for new and innovative ways to reach and engage their target audience. The statistics below demonstrate video's impact on sales results, from increased response rates to stronger relationships and faster revenue growth. These numbers highlight the need for companies to incorporate video into their sales strategies and to make the most of the powerful benefits that video can offer.


  • 71% of sales pros agree that video email outperforms text-based email.

  • 59% of teams use video in sales and customer conversations, surpassing the distribution of business video on YouTube.

  • Using video for sales outreach increased response rates for over 70% of reps.

  • 66% of financial services professionals feel like they have gotten to know clients or customers better through video interactions, while 50% feel this way about vendors and partners and 42% about leadership.

  • 64% of meetings booked resulted from prospects who received a short video first, followed by a quick infographic.

  • Companies that use video realize 49% faster revenue growth compared to those that don't.

  • 78% of consumers say they've been convinced to purchase an app or software because of a video.


Types of Videos that Increase Sales

Several types of videos can be used to generate sales, including:


  • Product Demo Videos: These show the product in action, highlighting its features and benefits.


  • Customer Testimonial Videos: These showcase real customers talking about their experiences with the product and how it has improved their lives.


  • Explainer Videos: These simplify complex concepts and help explain how the product works.


  • Brand Videos: These tell the story of the brand, its mission, and values, building trust and emotional connections with potential customers.


  • Animated Videos: These use graphics and animation to explain a product or service in a fun and engaging way.


  • Influencer Videos: These feature influencers endorsing the product, leveraging their large following to reach potential customers.


  • Unboxing Videos: These show the product being taken out of the packaging and used for the first time, building excitement and anticipation among potential customers.


Video is Revolutionizing the Sales


Video has become a game-changer for sales professionals, providing them with a powerful tool to reach and engage potential customers. With video, sales professionals can effectively communicate the benefits of their products and services, build trust and rapport with prospects, and stand out in a competitive market. With its ability to deliver results, video has become a key component of any successful sales strategy. Therefore, video should be embraced by sales professionals who want to stay ahead of the curve.

Ready to see how video can work for you?