To download a complete video to your computer:
- On your computer, open an internet browser and navigate to:
- Log in with your credentials
- If you want to save a video you recorded click on the hamburger menu on the left-hand side and click "My Videos"
- On the right-hand side of the video you want to save click on the arrow pointing down
- This will save an MP4 of the complete video to your computer
- You can also save videos recorded by someone else in your organization:
- Locate your community
- If you’re looking for a video sent to a prospect or lead - click the prospects’ square at the top; if you’re looking for a video for a resident or client - click the residents’ square at the top
- Click the prospect or resident’s name that’s associated with the video
- On the right-hand side of the video you want to save click on the arrow pointing down
- This will save an MP4 of the complete video to your computer