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Why Video Is More Powerful Than Text

Rising above the noise is getting tougher to do. With so much competition now, truly connecting with prospects and families requires a special touch, one that traditional marketing tactics often can’t provide these days.

The difference between video and text-based messaging is a perfect example of this notion. While text copy is still the go-to for many marketers, the most successful marketing efforts use video to form lasting connections and drive conversion rates.


Video Lets You Create a Visual Identity

Assuming you don’t have a Hemingway on staff, text is strictly an information conveyer. Yes, that will always be an essential role in your sales and marketing campaigns. However, when it comes to creating a visual identity – your logo, brand colors, and visual style, in particular – text obviously falls far short.

But that’s an area where video shines. With proper branding, you can make sure every video you make represents your distinctive style and, thus, drives brand awareness and recognition with your target audience.


Viewers Remember Video

According to recent research, viewers remember 95% of a message when delivered by video, but only 10% by text. That marketing stat highlights just how powerful online video is in engaging your audience and keeping you top-of-mind. In such a crowded marketplace, such retention is always going to be a massive competitive advantage.


Video Spreads the Love

It’s not exactly breaking news to say how potent a marketing tool social media can be for your messaging. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and by far the fastest way to capture the audience’s attention, even in an ocean of digital marketing.

This is yet another area where text proves to be no match for video content marketing, with 92% of social media users on mobile devices sharing video content with others. For context, that represents a whopping 1200% more shares than text-based posts and images combined.


Video Marketing Hits the Right Buttons

What’s the ultimate goal of your sales and marketing strategies? To engage the audience and form connections, right? As you already know, emotions play a significant role in creating those critical bonds. And among all the different ways video outperforms text, generating that emotion might be the most significant one for your messaging.

Video content triggers emotion and increases comprehension and motivation from prospects. All of these factors make them more likely to take action and, in doing so, increase conversions, especially when compared to text-based messaging.


Text Loses the Video vs. Text Race

Our minds are naturally built to process visual information. To that point, researchers have determined the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Therefore, not only does video content connect with your audience at a deeper level, but also does it far faster than text. That's why video is such an ideal fit for a fast-paced world with shrinking attention spans.

Read Next: How Video Storytelling Impacts Human Behavior

Here at OneDay, our team of expert video marketers know just how powerful video can be in propelling you forward. That’s why our goal is to provide OneDay partners with the best video platform for sales and marketing on the market. And I invite you to see just how much of a differentiator our industry-best video tool can be.

In conclusion, video content marketing provides an opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level, generate emotions, and increase engagement and conversion rates. The benefits of using video content over text-based messaging are numerous, from creating a visual identity to retaining more information, to boosting social media shares and triggering emotions. As the competition continues to grow, it's essential to use video content marketing to stay ahead of the curve and make a lasting impression on your audience. With the right video marketing platform, businesses can create powerful and effective videos to drive their sales and marketing campaigns and set themselves apart from the competition. At OneDay, we're committed to helping our partners create the best video content marketing strategies to achieve their goals and succeed in a crowded marketplace.

Ready to see how video can work for you?